Send a Payment Request

Watch the video below for the tutorial:

00:00: This guide provides a step by step walkthrough on sending payment request to the patient. 00:05: On the Curogram App Dashboard, navigate to the Conversations tab. 00:10: Click the "New Message" icon. 00:13: Navigate to "Chat with a Patient" 00:16: Enter the patient's name you want to send the payment request or invoice to. 00:20: Click the patient's name conversation . 00:23: Click the message icon. 00:26: Click on the wallet icon. 00:29: Choose the "Charge Description" option 00:32: Enter the add amount and click the add button. 00:35: You may add pdf file related to this payment request. Once done, click on the send request button.

A. Step-by-step instructions
This guide provides a step by step walkthrough on sending payment request to the patient.

Go to

1. Click "Conversations"

On the Curogram App Dashboard, navigate to the Conversations tab.

Click 'Conversations'

2. Click the "New Message" icon.

Click the 'New Message' icon.

3. Click "Chat with a Patient" button.

Navigate and click "Chat with a Patient" button.

Click 'Chat with a Patient' button.

4. Type the patient's name.

Enter the patient's name you want to send the payment request or invoice to.

Type the patient's name.

5. Click the patient's name conversation .Click the patient's name conversation .

6. Click this message icon.Click this message icon.

7. Click on the wallet icon.

Click on this icon.

8. Enter the description name.Enter the description name.

9. Amount

Enter the add amount and click the add button.

Enter the add amount here.

10. Once done, click on the "Send Request" button.

You may attach a pdf file related to this payment request. Once done, click on the send request button.
Once done, click on the 'Send Request' button.