Send a Secure Message

Watch the video below for the tutorial:


A. Step-by-Step Instructions 
Welcome to the tutorial on sending a secured message. This guide will explain what a secure message is and how to send one.

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1. What is a secure message?

A secure message is a type of message that doesn’t get sent as a normal SMS. Instead, it prompts patients to go to the Curogram app and log in before they can view the message. This method ensures that the message is accessible only to the intended recipient, providing an additional layer of security in compliance with HIPAA.

What is a secure message?

2. Click on Conversations Tab.

On the Curogram App Dashboard, Navigate to the conversations tab.

Click on Conversations Tab.

3. Search

You should see this dialogue.


4. Click the patient's Name

Click on patient's name.

Click the patient's Name

5. This shows your conversations with your patient.

This shows your conversations with your patient.

6. Click the Lock button

Click the lock button.

Click the Lock button

7. A prompt will appear confirming that the following message will be secured.

A prompt will appear confirming that the following message will be secured.

A prompt will appear confirming that the following message will be secured.

8. Compose the message on the text field. Once done, press send.

Compose the message on the text field. Once done, press send.

9. Once you send the message, the lock button indicator next to the message signifies that the message is secure.

Once you send the message, the lock button indicator next to the message signifies that the message is secure.