Mute a Conversation

Watch the video below for the tutorial:

A. Step-by-step instructions
In this guide, you will learn how to mute conversation on the Curogram app.

Go to

1. Click on the "Conversations" tab.

On the dashboard, click on the " Conversations" Tab.

Click on the 'Conversations' tab.

2. Click on the patient's name.

Find and click on the patient's name.

Click on the patient's name.

3. You'll see this conversation with the patient.

You'll see this conversation with the patient.

4. Click the speaker button found on the upper left corner of the conversation.

Click the speaker button found on the upper left corner of the conversation.

5. You'll see this option. You can either choose to mute calls, mute sms or mute both (sms and calls).

“A pop-up option will appear. You can choose to mute calls, mute SMS, or mute both. Toggle the option that corresponds to your preferred mute settings.”

You'll see this option. You can either choose to mute calls, mute sms or mute both (sms and calls).

6. A confirmation message will pop-up as shown in this screenshot.

A pop-up message will be shown confirming your preferred mute settings.
A confirmation message will
pop-up as shown in this screenshot.