Create a Task

Watch the video below for the tutorial:


A. Step-by-step Instructions
This guide provides instructions on how to create a task in Curogram App. Follow the steps below to efficiently assign and manage tasks.

Go to

1. Navigate to the plus sign (+) button

Navigate to the plus sign button. This button is a create task button.

Navigate to the plus sign (+) button

2. Fill in the Title and description field.


Fill in the Title and description field.

3. Choose the person to whom you want the task to be assigned. You may also assign the task to yourself.

Choose the person you want the task to be assigned to. You may also assign the task under your name as well.

4. Toggle this button.

Toggle this button to turn on notifications when the person assigned to the task provides an update.

Toggle this button.

5. Click the "Forward" button.

Click 'Forward'

6. Confirmation will pop-up.

A confirmation will be displayed when the task has been updated.

Confirmation will pop-up.

7. You can view these tasks in your ‘Home’ dashboard, located in the upper right corner.

You may see these task in your 'Home' dashboard located at the upper right corner.